This post is dedicated to my little daughter who stepped in to our life a few months ago. I always longed to post lots of details but could not manage so far!
Well, what can I say about the time she arrived? My daughter arrived at least 2 weeks earlier than we and the doctor thought. Following Pareto's principle, we had postponed 80% of the baby related shopping to the last 2 weeks. In the child birth class, they had asked us to buy the car seat at least 20 -30 days in advance, fix it and get it validated. We did a great job by buying it, however I postponed the final act of fixing it in the car. The box remained in the trunk and travelled with us everywhere. Since we did not want to know it's a boy or a girl, we bought a lot of neutral colored clothes.
On a quiet Sunday morning, my wife woke me early in the morning and told me it's time. It took me sometime to realize what's happening. But we had kept a small suitcase ready to go anytime and out we went with all the luggage including camera and a camcorder. We had to wait for one full day for my daughter to arrive. Till then, I kept myself engaged in the conversations with my wife, hospital staff and internet!!. Yes the hospital offered free wireless connectivity and it was of great help later on to send the pictures to near & dear ones. Our house was in solid mess before we left for the hospital, however couple of friends and their families stepped in, readied the house for the new arrival. When we stepped in to the house, it was so nicely cleaned and organized that we got a doubt if it was our house. In the subsequent days,these friends brought along food,all the other goodies and helped in taking care of the baby!.They even helped us in shopping for the daily essentials!!. Another friend who had a new born himself came over to help us learn the art of giving bath to the little one.
As we were celebrating our daughter's arrival, we faced an extreme family emergency and this time again loads of friends & relatives were with us and we could come out of it gradually due to their help & support. In all we are greatful to all the people who helped us directly or indirectly during my daughter's arrival and for being with us during the difficult times.
1 comment:
It is truly a memorable & major milestone in life. I wish/pray with Saanvi’s entry in to your life, shower all best things under the sun to you & your family…!!!
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