Aug 7, 2007

Home made Ice Cream!

Today's lunch time discussions took my memory back by 15 years when I and brother attempted to make ice cream at home. Note, these experiments started and ended within first month of buying the refrigerator. The ice cream mix from the store had just about 5 instructions!. Since we felt it was so easy, we immediately set off again to the store, this time to buy milk and other ingredients. However we did not have 2 ingredients and it did'nt bother us much. After making the stuff per instructions, we put that in the freezer for one hour ( as instructed). The stuff remained in the same state for couple of hours and only after 4 hours it still looked like a thick milkshake. We had no patience to wait further...the stuff was consumed in the as is form and who's complaining ...we planned to have ice cream but had a excellent milk shake.

After learning the mistakes, next time we followed all the instructions till mid way. Then we had a small fight upon who should carry out the next preparation steps. It was a hard decision and we argued a lot till we smelt something burning. Milk and other stuff on the stove was gradually burning off and we immediately worked together to complete the other prep steps.. Guess what we landed with this time? The final product looked 50% similar to the store ice cream, however it was smoky!. Having spent over 2 hours in the project, we did not complain. We finished off the stuff within half an hour and closed the ice cream making project forever :)

Real Problems we faced: Standard instructions apart, expert ice cream makers had their own recipe and the list of ingredients would vary depending on who you would talk to. Also, since we did not have a telephone then, we could not connect with "experts" for instant help, instead fix the problem ourselves. Anyway it was a lot of fun experimenting!


Shyam said...

Ha ha ha. Ask your brother about Maggie! He was the first to make us taste home-made-maggie-noodles!

Satish said...

Is it Shyam? I will check with him