Nov 7, 2006

Seattle & Garage Sale

Well, Finally I decided to go ahead and write my blog. I thought of sharing my experiences, random thoughts after reading some of the interesting blogs written by friends and family. Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoy reading this one. In case you don't like it, simply go with alt + F4 !

Let me dedicate my first blog to the beautiful place I am living in - Seattle...Yes this is one of the most beautiful cities I have lived in. I love Seattle for 2 reasons - Friendly people and the interesting places around the city; A bustling down town, the impressive Mount Rainier and the amazing Mount St.Helens and so many more!

Thanks to my job, I have been on the move for the past 4 - 5 years. Yes, we have got used to the excitement of moving to a new place, setting up a home, buying a car and "settling" down. When things settle down too much, there comes a "change" and out we go again..this time to undo our presence in the current city - sell the car, some belongings, give away or throw some stuff. 

When we moved to Seattle, we quickly found out the used cars were more expensive than in the NorthEast or MidWest. Even if we were ready to pay more dollars, there was no guarantee of getting a good car. There were some "sellers" who offered to show their car in the public parking lot, then there were cars which did not have good history. Once one of the prospective sellers called us to his place and we promptly started within 5 mins of speaking to him. Fortunately we got lost on the way and called him for directions. By this time, looks like the "seller" had changed his mind. He told us that the car was not yet home. It belonged to his relative who was supposed to be there but had not turned up. We aborted the car hunt for the evening and came home. Once my friend offered to buy a car from a person but the person would not sell the car even after 15 days without any valid reason. My friend had not offered any advance but he stopped looking for car in those 15 days....and had to start all over...

One more fun time we've had in Seattle was going to Moving / Garage Sale during the weekends. There were bunch of my friends who had just then moved to Seattle and setting up home. We used to go as a team to these moving sale locations. We really enjoyed getting up early on a weekend and go in pursuit of used treasures. We have driven as far as 30 miles to purchase a standing lamp :). Some of my friends who never went for a garage sale thought they are missing something and joined us. Soon it was a big party going to such events...In order to have fun time while buying, we established some ground rules like a) Whoever spots their item of interest should openly declare his interest in it; b) One should hold to an item till he decides to buy - Not like go around the place and come back to claim the item; c) Preference will be always given to the person who is going in for a specific item of his choice. Many a times, those simply accompanying in the trip have ended up buying more items. We also used to go in multiple cars just to pick up more items. In some instances one of us would get lost in the directions, come back defeated and admire all the freebies the other group have picked up

There are some more interesting the next release


Shyam said...

ha ha. Welcome to blogging.
Good start :).
Liked Garage sale topic.

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogging world. This is a good one! Fun begins in Seattle when it starts raining :-)

Arvinda said...

A good start !! After reading your blog, i felt i should start writing one too.

food for thought said...

good one to start with satisha... the one regarding IVS is really good...

Unknown said...

D whole set of Bloggers r here
Hey satisha gud start with d blogger.....


Satish said...

Thanks to all of you who have read my blog and given your encouraging comments. Before I started blogging, I was wondering if I have enough material to write!!. Please continue to provide your feedback, suggestions to improve the quality of the content are always welcome.