Jul 3, 2007

It's Holiday Season

Holiday season in US kicks off with July and this time a lot of people are expected to travel around. According to AAA, about 40.3 million people are expected to undertake travel beginning this week and out of this 84% are planning to travel by car. Who said gas prices are high? With the vacation time around, people are fine paying little extra for the gas. This year's number of travellers is up by 2.8 percent. Even though it's a single digit increase, it makes a lot of difference to the American Economy. Travel boots airline, hospitality, hotel and so many other related businesses. Numbers apart, a happy vacation adds lot of value to our stressed lives.

Check out this interesting AAA Link. In the US, it'samazing how they collect the statistics, report and make use of the information.

Those of you in US, Wish you a Happy July 4th Holiday..Hope you have a good one

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